Objective: Reduce the effects of climate change through community engagement and inclusion.
Climate change poses a significant threat to vulnerable communities. EAI’s approach involves community engagement, awareness campaigns, and sustainable practices. Community forums, tree-planting initiatives, and educational programs are organized to empower communities to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Objective: Reduce the effects of climate change through community engagement and inclusion.
Climate change poses a significant threat to vulnerable communities. EAI’s approach involves community engagement, awareness campaigns, and sustainable practices. Community forums, tree-planting initiatives, and educational programs are organized to empower communities to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Climate Change Effects Mitigation Activities
- Train children, community workers, government workers, students and workers in the private sector on environmental protection and mitigation action.
- Restore nature to absorb more carbon by planting trees in the right places, and protect forests and riparian lands
- Protect oceans and water bodies and promote blue economy practices including reducing plastics
- Support policy and legislative solutions development for mitigation and adaptation purposes.
- Sensitization of community, youths and women on climate change
- Promotion of renewable energy practices
- Promoting smart and sustainable agricultural practices
- Promote access to clean water * Provide fuel efficient stoves to prepare meals for school children
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